3 Nifty Sites to Visit

It's a little nippy around here. Like step outside and your nose hairs turn instantaneously into little icicles. So, other than writing the next great American novel, what's an author to do? Play around on the internet, of course. And I've found a few fun sites for you to visit. . .

Remember that fun site ReciteThis, where you can turn quotes into cool looking graphics? Yeah. This is exactly like that, only with different pictures. Here's one I made...

Just input whatever text you like, choose the background, and voila. You can download, pin, Facebook, Google+, whatever.

I have a feeling this site is going to turn into a serious time waster for me. Super freaking fun! There are a ton of graphics, photos, and text options, plus its super easy to use. I only played around for about 5 minutes before I came up with this...

How cool is that? Yeah, toodle over there right now and check it out. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Need some fresh ideas for Pinterest? Check out this site for creating original and unique pins. Like what? Like from a tweet or a calendar date or even a Spotify song. Here's what I pinned:

And then anyone with a Spotify account can listen to the track I pinned.

Okay, that's enough playing around for one day. Go fold laundry or bring about peace in the Middle East or something.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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