Tidbit: Politics

If you ever notice that I'm lacking new posts, it probably means I've been picked up by the NSA. Not that I've done anything wrong, but my Google searches prove I'm either really an author or some kind of freakish anti-American war monger.

Case in point: this week I've been researching Mexican drug cartels. Whoa. Think of the worst Hollywood-type shoot-em-up blood-n-guts scene you can possibly imagine, then times that by ten. These boys are some kind of bad--the most evil, vicious kind.

Which makes me wonder about the ongoing "war on drugs." Don't get me wrong. I think drug use is--putting it mildly--a sin. It destroys bodies, families, souls, and society. But (and I've always got a big but) think what if for a moment...

What if drugs were legal? Bam. End of cartels. They'd be out of business. Just like Prohibition ended the booze gang-bangers.

Of course, that would open up a whole new can of worms. There are no easy answers, which is why I write fiction. I can play around with scenarios and no one gets hurt.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.




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