Tidbit: Creepy

It's Halloween. Did you notice? Fern & Zula didn't, the two old lady heroines in my current work OUT OF THE FRYING PAN. Their life is frightening enough with the mutt Zula dragged home. Read a short excerpt and then vote on which dog you thing ought to be the winning picture of Fifi the wonder dog.

We now have a dog Zula insists is “adorable.” Not a puppy, mind you, but a decrepit rat terrier who has to be lifted in order for it to fulfill its purpose in life — sitting on laps and yapping. Though other body parts fail, its barker is in perfect working order.

Fifi moved in three days ago when poor Randolph Johnson checked into Shady Rest. . . the nursing home, not to be confused with the cemetery of that same name three miles further south.

Zula walks the silly thing around the block with great drama but has to stop every few feet to let the rodent-on-a-leash catch its breath. It’s the most ridiculous sight here at Sunset Paradise. She’s sewn several doggy garments for their outings — which would look a lot less ridiculous without the bedazzling, but at least they hide the bald patches.

Okay, voters, here's your chance. Which photo do you think represents the best Fifi?


Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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