Eeyore Syndrome

"Poor writerly me. My writing is the suckiest in Sucksville with an order of sucky sauce on the side. The only place you can find my writing is if you pop over to Wikipedia and look up Steaming Pile of Literary Manure. 

I'm. No. Good."

This, my friends, is the most common malady of the species known as writernarium insecuricus. If you're feeling any measure of hopelessness or lack of self-worth about your writing capabilities, I applaud you with a loud clappy-clappiness because you, little buddy, are indeed a writer!

Dealing with doubt is the monkey on every writer's back. Why? Because...
  • the act of writing spills your soul onto the page making you vulnerable
  • there's aways a "better" writer out there that you aspire to but can never quite attain their level of writing because YOU'RE NOT THEM
  • what's in our brain never looks the same when forced into little black squiggly letters on a page

Writing is risky. It dredges up insecurities, accumulating them faster than the national debt clock. This is no excuse, however, to walk around as a living, breathing Eeyore. Face those doubts head on, wrestle them to the mat, then stand and howl a warrior's cry. Yeah, you might get some funny looks, but here's the deal...

The only way to improve your writing is by writing. Yes, profundity abounds here at Writer Off the Leash.

So punch Eeyore in the head and quit playing your mind games. Get out there and write, team!
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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