Blogaversary Wingding Day 4

All right partygoers. You know the routine. Answer the questions and you'll get your name entered for the fantastic prize of your choice listed in this post. Ready for today's questions? Slap a lampshade on your head and let's party!

What's one of your most favorite books you've ever read?

What's one of your least favorite books?

The Bible is a given, so we'll assume that's in first place and just write down your second.

As for me, everyone already knows Jane Eyre is my top pick, so I suppose I'll have to branch out a bit. Wow. This is harder than I thought.

I'm going to stretch really far, hoping to avoid a pinging sound in my lower back muscles, and yank a book from the annals of time. Okay, so it's not that old, late seventies, but The King's Brat by Constance Gluyas was one of the first historical romances that really, truly floored me. It put me front and center in the court of Charles II, totally consuming me with the rags to riches story of Angel Dawson.

One of my least favorite (and I see that rotten tomato you're waiting to lob so put it down) is The Great Gatsby. Stop groaning. Yes, I can choose a classic. Gatsby was just depressing no matter how great Fitzgerald writes. End of story.

Okay, your turn. Good luck. It's harder than it looks. And don't forget to challenge someone else to give it a whirl. Here's a Tweetable:

We're talking favorite and least favorite books over at Leave a comment to win a prize! #giveaway
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Blogaversary Wingding Day 5


Blogaversary Wingding Day 3