Pariah, Piranha, or Self-Pubber?

When I first dipped my toe in the publishing pond, the second I considered self-publishing, a big bitey piranha surfaced and sunk his fangs into my flesh. Self-publishing was not only a distinct no-no, but a shun-worthy faux pas that earned you a one-way ticket to Nowheresville. In short, you were a pariah.

My, how the winds have changed.

Nowadays, self-pubbers are as prolific as the panhandlers on pretty much every corner in my neighborhood. It's no longer a stigma. Even big name authors are self-pubbing on the side. And since all the trendy kids are doing it, should I cave in to peer pressure and give it a whirl myself?
For the first time, I'm seriously considering it, but I've got a whole lot of questions that need to get answered first...

Isn't it time consuming to figure out?
Do you have to be technologically savvy?
How much money do you have to invest?
How does a self-pubbed book get noticed in the ocean of new books flooding Amazon?

And those are just a few. I'll be nosing around, finding out answers, and if it's feasible...who knows. I just might add a publishing hat to my collection.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

"Quotation" "Marks"


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