LAUNCH DAY for A HEART DECEIVED you hear that? Pause and listen. Yes indeedy, it IS the Hallelujah Chorus accompanied by crazed shrieking. Don't worry. You're not going nutty-nuts. It's just me whoopin' it up big time because today is the day A HEART DECEIVED comes out. That's book birth #3 for me and I am one super-freaking-excited mama!

Now then, on to the next round of 2 Truths & a Lie. By now you know the routine...which statement is the lie?

1. The first thing I ever got published was a poem.

2. The first manuscript I wrote took 5 years before it was accepted by a publisher.

3. I am an introvert. I'd much rather be shut in a room with pretend characters than hanging out with real humanoids.

Don't forget: you can rack up extra entries by Tweeting a tweetable or hosting one of my guest posts on your blog.

This has really been a fun game so far. Thanks for playing! It would've been really pathetic if I'd had to play it alone.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

No Lie: A Box O' Books!


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