Don't Worry...Be Happy

There's been a lot of buzz lately about the closing of B&H's traditional fiction line. They'll be releasing contracted titles through April 2014, but then that's it...except for putting out a few novels that tie in with either movie releases or are specifically ministry related. You can read all the gory details at Publishers Weekly.

This means that the publishing pond just got smaller, leaving a few B&H authorly fish flapping around on the shore. Those authors will have to flip themselves back into the pond or die, and I doubt anyone will willingly suffocate in the sand.

Translation: competition for contracts is going to be fiercer.

It was hard enough to get published before, but now it will be tougher, which creates a whole lot of angst out there in writer land. You'll be a nervous wreck if your eyeballs are on the state of the publishing industry and/or our economy.

But here's the deal...God is still on the throne. Keep writing. Keep honing your craft. And most importantly, keep your focus on the One who ultimately awards contracts.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

The Poe Mystery


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