Web Site Construction

How do you know when you need a complete TLC makeover of your web site? When your photo is at least 25 haircuts and 10 pounds ago. Yeah. Check this out...http://www.mmgriep.com/

So, I've been snooping at other author sites and sniffing around Google for ideas to freshen up a stagnant home page. Here's a list of some items that are 'must haves'...

Exclusive/Fresh Content
Lasso visitors and keep them captive by offering something new every month or two. Maybe a free ebook (just a short one). Or a giveaway of your latest release. This can even be something as simple as a 5 minute phone call to the winner to chat with them on a topic of their choice.

This is a non-negotiable. Include info on here that they can't find anywhere else pertaining to your characters and to stories.

Give a reader a few clickables to spread the love about your site. Make sure they are catchy and short.

Yeah, you should have an updated pic of yourself, but don't be ego-centric. Encourage your readers to send in pix of themselves with your books.

Even if it's sparse, readers do want to know where you'll be signing books, speaking, or even going to a conference.

Contact Info
Readers need to know where to find you...and this includes all the social sites as well (Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Yada-yada).

Have your blog right on your site or a link to it.

If your a historical writer, toss out some juicy websites that you've used. Contemporary? How about some issue sites? Writing sites and other authors who are in your genre are a great idea as well.

That's my list so far. What would YOU like to see on your favorite author's website?
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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