Divas Need Not Apply

"It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously."
~ Peter Ustinov

The second a writer thinks they're somebody, they've crossed into the land of divadom. Don't go there. It's a very lonely place.

Assuming you're an aspiring writer who wants to take your writing responsibilities seriously, it would be helpful to know what they are exactly, hmm? Never fear. Here's a handy dandy list.

The Top 5 Responsibilities of a Writer

1. Immerse a reader into a world different from their own...yet not so different that they can't relate to it.

2. Impart truth via story without standing on a soapbox and pointing a finger.

3. Entertain but not waste time doing so.

4. Write the absolute best kick-butt prose that'll make a reader see the mundane in a way they've never before thought of.

5.  Be real.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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