Top 3 Reasons to Blog

The best thing about blogs is that they provide a dedicated writer with an occasion to crank it out in a disciplined fashion. If he gets good, his blog will get noticed, or his writing talents will be. But this only works because this part of our world is like the rest of the world. Cream rises, which only works if it is not all cream.
~ Douglas Wilson

Recently a buddy of mine started blogging, though she'd already been writing for years. Why had she put off blogging for so long? Fear. Believe me, I'm not casting the first stone on that one. I was scared to death to start Writer Off the Leash. What could I possibly have to say day in and day out?

A lot, apparently. Here I am after a year and a half, still typing away. Facing down those blogging fears and conquering that monster is a victory. But that's not the only benefit of blogging. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should consider rocketing into the blogosphere...

Writing when you don't feel like it is like exercise. It doesn't feel good at the moment, but afterwards you'll find that you've built some pretty impressive writerly muscles. It takes stamina and dedication to post regularly, but the payoff is a huge sense of accomplishment. I'm not saying every entry will be stellar, but you will show to the world (and hopefully editors and publishers as well) that you're serious about writing.

When you blog, your universe will expand. You'll meet new people who interact in the comment section, and some of those will turn into great friendships (love my readers!). You'll also discover other bloggers on the journey, many of which have sage advice and are eager to share. And who knows...maybe an agent will stumble across your blog and say, "Oh baby, gotta get me some of that!"

Yes, baring your soul in the blogosphere is good for your emotional and physical well-being. Think that's a stretch? Don't just take my word for it. Recently, the Scientific American wrote an article stating that blogging is not only a stress-coping mechanism, but that it produces physiological benefits such as improving memory and sleep and boosting immune cell activity. Full article here.

So if you've ever considered blogging but are too intimidated, I hope this particular post laid to rest some of your fears. Just jump on in. The water is fine.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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