Here a Freebie, There a Freebie

Everywhere a in eBooks and audiobooks, that is. If you're suffering from the after Christmas credit card bill that came in the mail this week, even though you might have to live on Ramen Noodles for the next month, you still will be able to afford some great reads. I came across some sites where the price is right, as in FREE! Check out the following...

This site provides free audiobooks from the public domain. At LibriVox, volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain into digital audio and then make the audio files available to the world, for free.

Here you'll find more than 29,000 eBooks available for Kindle, Nook, iPad and most other eReaders. Most of their eTexts are taken from Project Gutenberg...speaking of which, you should check out...

Project Gutenberg
Choose among free ePub books that you can download or read online. It'll be a hard choice, though, since there are over 40,000 in their collection.

World Public Library
Too cold to toodle over to your nearest library? This place has quite the variety. All eBooks are in PDF format. All Audio eBooks are in Mp3 format. Both are designed to be cross-platform compatible with all PCs, Laptops, Kindle DX, Kindle 3 iPad/iPods, eReaders or Smartphones.

I hear ya. What in the world is a Podiobook? Well, their website says:
The term podiobook was coined by Evo Terra in April 2005 to describe serialized audiobooks which are distributed via RSS, much like a podcast. Whatever...they're free!

Happy reading blogger buddies!
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Question Jar Take #4


Alphabet Soup