Doin' the Hustle Bustle

Sounds like a new dance move, eh? Nope. It's the I-need-to-shop-bake-party-entertain-and-how-will-I-ever-find-time-to-write syndrome. It's a virus that lays up pretty much every writer I know during the Christmas season. And to make matters worse, the ol' drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest doesn't work for this one.

Finding time to work on a manuscript is tricky when life takes on warp-speed at holiday time. My solution? Cut yourself some slack. Live a little. Be present with your loved ones, not off in some story world in your head. Your ideas will still be there after December 25th.

But that doesn't mean you should stop writing altogether.

Hold on. I hear you. "But you just said put to put my pen away until after Christmas Day!" Not really. I merely suggest you set aside your WIP for a short while. You can be present with those you love and write at the same time. How?

Hand write out a Christmas card.
For years we've used those photo cards (which I still love). They're so easy! Slap a pre-printed greeting into an envelope and voila. Finito. How about this year, though, you write something on the back? Something for them to ponder. Something you love about them written in a creative way. Put those writing skills to use.

The gift of story.
How about write a Christmas story, print it out on super-cool paper, and roll it up like a scroll.  Toss that in a basket with a mug and some coffee or tea, and then cross that person's name off your gift list. And if you really want to add a personal touch, put that person into the story. What a treat for someone to snuggle up on a cold day with a hot drink and a wintry tale.

Become a Psalmist.
Christmas is all about the birth of the Savior of all mankind, Jesus. It's His birthday, so why not pen some prose to the King of Kings, listing his attributes, thanking Him for leaving heaven to come to this hovel just for you. Write a prayer to the one you love most, and if he's not at the top of your list of loved ones, then talk to me at michellegriep@gmaildotcom.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Twelve Twelve Twelve


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