Can Fiction be Christian?

Usually I leave this hot topic to those more learned than I am. It's always seemed like a silly little game of semantics to me. Lest you wonder what in the world I'm talking about, here's my understanding of the argument...

Some say that if a story involves Biblical truth, then it's Christian fiction. End of story.

Others argue that there is no such thing as Christian fiction. But neither is there Buhddist fiction or materialistic fiction. There's simply fiction and non-fiction. After all, fiction doesn't live and breathe and have a soul, is not in need of salvation, therefore is not capable of being 'Christian'.

I used to be in that camp, but I came across an interesting quote by Doug Wilson this weekend that made me pack up my tent and portage over to the other campsite.
"The world (and all it contains) is Christian because Jesus is the Lord of it. If something is expressly prohibited by Him, then that rebellion will be punished because He is Lord. If He did not prohibit it, then hearts full of gratitude may do as they please with it, and His lordship is extended over the enterprise for blessing."
Not only does this change my mind about the concept that fiction can indeed be 'Christian', but it gave me a whole new stamp of approval to write. If I am honoring to God in the stories that I tell, then the fiction I create with the faculties my Creator has blessed me with is Christian because Jesus is the Lord of it.

Wow. That's a huge thought for little ol' me, and I'm just barely grasping the essence of it. If you'd like m
ore fodder for thought to delve deeper:  Fiction Plumb Line, Blog and Mablog, deCOMPOSE. 
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Huh...Maybe I'm Not a Freak After All


Stop the Merry-go-Round...I Want to Get Off!