What Are You Thankful For?

Personally, I'm thankful I'm a writer because...

Killing off characters is a great stress reliever, plus it's not a felony. Win, win.

I can time travel to any era that strikes my fancy--and I don't even need any magic crystals to get there.

Capturing the voices in my head on paper is a whole lot cheaper than buying Prozac.

I get to network with some of the most creative people on earth. And guess what? They're all just as wacky as me so I rarely get that jaw-dropping, raised-eyebrow look from them.

What other profession lets you make things up as you go along? I mean other than a politician.

I don't have to change out of my jammies to get some work done.

If I'd never started blogging, I'd never have gotten to meet some sweet cyberspace buddies like you!
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


Other Than Turkey


When Gratitude Malfunctions