Stretching Your Wonder Muscles

Amidst all the busyness of yesterday (waiting-in-line to vote, sending off one of my guests, teaching two classes, yada-yada), here's what I accomplished for NANOWRIMO: a whopping, big, fat zero words. 

I hope that's an encouragement for those who didn't pen any new prose either. But today is a new day. It's time to move on. 

If you need a little inspiration to jumpstart your creative juices, I came across a very interesting site that made me go, "hmmm." 

It's a collection of photographs and narrative about a recently discovered stash of suitcases in the attic of a closed insane asylum. Hold on. I hear you. Am I crazy myself? That's debatable, but honestly, just take a peak at this: Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients and see if that doesn't make you wonder outside the walls of your usual box. It just might give you new insight into one of your characters and add an extra dimension to them.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Hope for the Hurting


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