What Are You Looking At?

"Success is shy--
it won't come out while you're watching."
~ Tennessee Williams

Writers tend to have tunnel vision. Either we're focused on a particular plot we're crafting, or we're so deep into character development that real people fade into the background. But the absolute worst is when a writer fixates on successfully publishing a work-in-progress (WIP).

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying success shouldn't be in your crosshairs. Nor am I saying anything against publication. I'm just saying that when publication becomes your be-all and end-all, your writing is going to suffer.

Why? Great question!

Such a fixation shows in your writing. It becomes either stilted or sloppy or both. Overt pandering to the market can make writing so bland, cold oatmeal is more appealing. Lumpy, cold oatmeal.

So set that desire for success up on the shelf while you're working on a manuscript. It'll be there waiting for you when you're finished, and that's when you'll really need it. It takes a lot of gumption to present your baby to editors and agents.

Don't forget the rest of October is your chance to leave a comment and possibly win a signed copy of UNDERCURRENT
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


That Creepy Time of Year


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