Slaying Doubt Monster Two

Other writers get published, but not me.
Maybe my writing is stupid.

Let’s face it. Writers are an insecure bunch. Why? Because they pour their heart and soul into a story, revealing inner secrets that they’d never say out loud. When that work gets rejected, it is personal. There’s just no way around it.

BUT (and I’ve always got a big but) there is a stake that can be driven through this ugly monster’s heart. It’s called sharpening your craft.

If you continue to learn and hone your writing skill, this particular doubt will simply turn into a lie. You can always choose to believe the lie if you like, but you won’t have to. Your writing won’t be stupid if you continue your writerly education by attending workshops, going to conferences, and reading craft books.

So go ahead and take that on-line course. Pick up a how-to from Writers Digest. Attend a local writers group and glean some new writing tips. This is one monster you’ll have to slay with your own muscle.

And don’t forget...

You’ve got 3 more days to leave a comment and enter your name into the Nov. 1st drawing for a signed copy of this Viking tale of honor and sacrifice.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Driving the Final Stake into the Doubt Monster’s Heart


Slaying the Doubt Monster