Today's the day. I'm mapping out in detail the first chapters of my new story. I won't actually start writing it, though, until November. Why not let the ol' fingers loose on the keyboard right this very minute? One word.


No, I'm not speaking in tongues. Most writers who've been around know exactly what I'm talking about. But for those of you who have no idea what I'm babbling on about, allow me to introduce you to NAtional NOvel WRiting MOnth. Get it?

The idea is to write a novel in a month. That's not my personal goal, but it is a great incentive to kick off a new manuscript knowing others out there are typing their fingers down to nubs along with me. There are other benefits as well...

  • You can track your progress
  • You can get pep talks and support
  • You can meet fellow writers online

Last year was the first time I tried NANOWRIMO (which is traditionally held in November). I was a little nervous at first, wondering how I'd fit in writing with the beginning of the holiday season sucking up time, but the accountability did the trick. I wrote way more than if I hadn't given it a whirl.

So go check out the site and see if it's for you. I'll be here, mapping out my killer beginning scenes, ready to unleash my creativity on Nov. 1.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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