I Hate That Guy: Making Likable Characters

I love sarcasm. Give me a character who's snappy and snippy with their dialogue and bam...instant like fest as far as I'm concerned. So it surprises me when my snarky characters aren't always well loved. What's the deal?

Well...apparently I'm in the minority. Surprisingly, sarcasm doesn't head the list of likable traits, which  can work against me in making my characters likable.

So I went on a google search to find the top 3 ingredients that should go into a blue-ribbon recipe for creating an endearing character. 

Admirable motivations. 
Even if your protag resorts to doing something naughty, give them an empathetic reason for doing so.

Show them capable of love.
No matter how self-centered your character may be, how vile or criminally minded, the teddy bear factor must be present. Give them a pet, a younger sibling, or something else cute and cuddly to love. 

Vulnerable vs Capable
Too much vulnerability makes your character a wuss. Over the top confidence labels them as snooty. The ironic thing is that you should have a blend of both in your protag.

Interesting side note: while I searched on how to create likable characters, I came across a book that's been recommended to me several times and one I intend to purchase. Save the Cat! is really a book about how to write screenplays but one that every fiction writer should have on their shelf--especially if you struggle with connecting with your reader. And honestly, who doesn't?

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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