The Two Hardest Words

I am so close to finishing my manuscript, the one I started here at Writer Off the Leash in November. I've only got three more chapters to write. They're even mapped out. Yet finding the time to park my rear in a chair and pound them out is next to impossible, and when I do finally sneak off, guess what...

The words just aren't there. Some call it writer's block. I call it fear.

I know. I hear you. "What the flippity-doo-dah are you scared of, girl? Writing the grand finale is the fun part!"

Yes, it is fun, but for me there's a certain amount of trepidation involved. Did I tie up all the loose ends? Is it satisfying enough? Is my ending too abrupt? Too drawn out? Why am I such a freak?

While most authors whiz through this stage of the game, I'm sure there are a few out there like me who wrestle with these demons. I wanted to let you know you're not alone. And you, like me, have to deal with these burning questions because otherwise they'll hide in the corner and grow into monsters large enough to maim.

What to do? There aren't any easy answers, but here's my plan. Write the following 3 bold items on a sticky notepad and fix it to my screen.

This is only a rough draft.
Get it down on paper and then you can change it.

Trust your critique partners.
If your ending is giving off an odor like the rotten potato I found in my kitchen drawer last night, trust that they'll point out the stinky parts.

Write for fun.
Sit down and write for enjoyment instead of for the purpose of writing The End. If you're tense, it'll show.

Feel free to give this a whirl yourself.

And don't worry. Just because the two hardest words for me to write are 'The End', I will persevere and get 'er done. Then it will be party time here at Writer Off the Leash!
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Tough Crits


One Equals Twenty-Five