A Monday Word of Advice Jun 18 Written By Michelle Griep Keep in mind that feelings about your WIP are entirely subjective. One day you may think your manuscript will have publishers drooling to snatch it up. Other days you'll be tempted to line the cockatiel cage with the dang thing. Just keep writing, no matter how you feel. Michelle GriepWriterly Advice Michelle Griep Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean. https://michellegriep.com
A Monday Word of Advice Jun 18 Written By Michelle Griep Keep in mind that feelings about your WIP are entirely subjective. One day you may think your manuscript will have publishers drooling to snatch it up. Other days you'll be tempted to line the cockatiel cage with the dang thing. Just keep writing, no matter how you feel. Michelle GriepWriterly Advice Michelle Griep Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean. https://michellegriep.com