A Random Philosophical Rant

"There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. 

Books are well written, or badly written. That is all."
~ Oscar Wilde

So...what do you think? Agree or disagree? Are there some books that are totally immoral? And if so, is there such a creature as Christian fiction to counter such wicked tomes?

Honestly, I've never understood this argument. Seems like a play on words to me. Fiction can't be 'saved' because it's an inanimate object. End of story. But that doesn't mean I read erotica or any other piece of fiction that doesn't showcase and promote Biblical truth. Why?

Because the heart of the matter is the worldview of the author.

And believe me, worldview WILL show through in a book no matter how much you try to diminish it. Whether you're a staunch Christian writing horror or a flaming Wiccan writing a bonnet book, your belief system will shine through your characters, dialogue, and theme no matter how hard you try to write otherwise.

So as I ponder how to make my writing more 'Christian', more glorfying to God, I can think of no better way than to spend more time with Him. Remember when Moses went up the mountain to hang out with God and came down with a zinger of a glow? So much that he basically had to bag his head to be in public because God's glory was so strong upon him?That God Glow, or lack thereof, permeates everything you write. 

Which leads me to believe that if my relationship with God ever takes a backseat to my writing, I seriously doubt it will sparkle and shine.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


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Non-Fiction For Fiction Writers