The Best Laid Plans
Organizing your schedule to allow time for writing is a fantabulous idea, but even the best laid plans can go to Hulubulu Land if other people in your life throw hand grenades at you. Don't panic, though, because that's exactly what this post is all about.
3 Tips For When Your Writing Plans Go Awry
Go with the flow.Fighting against valid time interrupters* is like arguing with a mugger. Just hand over the wallet and cut your losses. Sometimes things come up that are unexpected. Instead of getting all bent out of shape about it, remember that the opposite can be true as well. You might have an event planned to attend that gets cancelled...which frees up some writing time.
*(Pinterest, Facebook & Twitter are NOT valid time interrupters).
Open your eyes.
When unavoidable monkey wrenches are thrown into your schedule, look for opportunities to redeem that time for writing advantages. Example: I'd planned on an afternoon of writing yesterday when I had to run down to the impound lot and retrieve my mom's smashed up car. Wow. Talk about a goldmine! I picked up some great mannerisms and speech patterns that will make memorable secondary characters (there weren't any heroes in the bunch).
Live in the moment.
Don't keep fretting about lost time. In fact, the only 'lost' time is that wasted in bitterness and regrets. Instead, live wherever you happen to be. Soak in every 'unplanned' sensation. Who might acquire a whole new perspective for your current WIP.
The bottom line is no one likes a cranky writer. Next time your schedule takes a direct hit, suck it up and move on. The most important thing to plan is to plan to have a good attitude.
And don't forget...
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."
~ Groucho Marx