The Waiting Room

DAY 56

Word Count: 35,143

Sentence of the Day:
The grey light filtering in suited his soul.

"I am sure God keeps no one waiting unless
He sees that it is good for him to wait."
~ CS Lewis

Seems like everyone is waiting for hear back from a query, an agent, a publisher, or waiting to hear from the Big One--God.

Waiting to meet with an IRS agent isn't so difficult, nor is waiting for a colonoscopy. But ask me to wait for a new book to be released from a favorite author and you'll find me with my nose against the glass of the bookstore's front door hours before they open. Today I even offered up my firstborn in hopes of trading him for a Kindle so I could download Lisa Bergren's newest novel (Bourne) because I can't wait to read it.

Why is waiting for something we want so hard?

I suspect it's pride. Whatever it is that we want, deep down we feel we deserve it. Now. That we shouldn't have to wait, to be deprived, because doggone it...we worked hard for X, Y or Z.

Whenever a goal becomes all about us instead of God, it's time to take a step back, breathe deeply for awhile, and reconsider not only who's in charge, but who ought to be in charge.

Either God is sovereign or He isn't.

Ponder that one for awhile. Chew on it and see what kind of taste it leaves in your mouth.

And guess what, while you're mulling that over, your focus will be off whatever it is you're waiting for and time will fly by.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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