The Rocks I Hide Under
This place is crack for middle-aged women. It's a great place to keep my storyboards, though (at least that's what I tell my husband).
Seriously, who's not on Facebook?
I'm still a relatively new tweeterista so I haven't quite hit my stride there yet. I mean, do I pop in to say I'm currently eating a garbanzo bean roll-up and then post active updates on the result of said bean extravaganza, or is that just wrong?
Generally I'm on my best behavior here, being it's for professionals. Hmm. Wonder who looked the other way when I slipped in?
This is where all the little hipsters hang out. Not that I'm little, or hip, come to think of it, but there I am in all my glory. So far I've just uploaded vlogs but I think I'll start throwing in a bit of poetry now and then just to spice it up a bit.
The first & third Saturdays on Novel Rocket.
This is a shop talk kind of site, all about writing and publishing. You can rub elbows with some biggies in the publishing industry if you check in frequently.
The 25th of each month at The Barn Door.
Honestly, I wouldn't know a barn from a silo. I'm a city girl. But for some odd reason, the crew at Barn Door asked me to join, so I did. Maybe I'm their Midwest urban explorer. Hey! Great idea for my next post!
And whenever I feel like it, you can find me at the WordServe Water Cooler.
This is my newest venture. Definitely everything you wanted to know about writing and publishing. Two thumbs up (and not just because I'm there).
Oh yeah, last but not least, I can also be found on my own website.
If I'm going to be speaking or signing, this is the site that keeps track of my whereabouts.
There you have it. I encourage you to check out these sites not just because my ego is the size of Brazil, but because each place is unique in the aspects that it covers.
And if you've got a favorite haunt that you think I should know about, share the love via a comment.