Writing Disorders

DAY 48

Word Count:

Sentence of the Day: On each side of the narrow lane, buildings stooped like rheumy old men, hunched at the shoulders.

There are a couple of little known writing disorders that I'd like to shed some light on today. Sufferers of these chronic ailments need not be ashamed. Simply identifying which disease your writing suffers from is the first step to recovery.

In the overall economy of words, there are 2 extremes that should be avoided.

Literary Anorexia

We've all heard it. Write tight. Kill your darlings. Keep it lean and mean. All great advice, but if taken to the extreme, the ambiance of your story can be lost. Keeping your character's emotions too spare or descriptions too sparse leaves the bones of your tale languishing.

Prose Bulimia

Vomiting words onto a page will make your reader want to gag. In this day and age, readers don't have time to wander in your literary garden, admiring each and every flower, dragonfly and fern. Grand scenes with an overabundance of detail will make your reader slam shut your book and reach for the remote instead.

One bulimic disclaimer: for first drafts, it's okay to veer over on the wordy side of the road...as long as you know you'll have to cut the excess when you edit.

My point is balance is key. I know...I've said that before. But in ALL things, writing related or life related, it really is crucial to keep your balance.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


The Dark Side of Writing


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