Authors That Leave a Mark
Word Count: 33,852
Sentence of the Day: A single wall sconce flickered behind him, the resulting shadow a monster against her door.
Who doesn't love a great quote? There's a gazillion of them out there, but there's one in particular that speaks to me every time I read it...
"For books are not absolutely dead things,
but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was
whose progeny they are;
nay, they do preserve as in a vial
the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them."
~ John Milton, Areopagitica
When I read a really great story, I feel like I've gotten a glimpse into that author's life. Not in a creepy stalker kind of way. More like a connection to their spirit. No author can write a book and not leave behind some kind of residue from their soul. Because of that, readers are drawn toward certain writers.
Authors that have left a mark on me (in no particular order):
Charlotte Bronte
Charles Dickens
Carl Sandburg
Lisa Mangum
Robin Hardy
Francine Rivers
MaryLu Tyndall
Julie Klassen
Jill Williamson
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Doug Wilson
Travis Thrasher
Most--but not all--are fiction writers. These are the people that I feel like I could sit down and have a heart-to-heart with because they left behind some of themselves in their books...someone I connect with on a deep level.
Think about it for a minute. What authors have left a mark on you?