Nixing the Fluff

I keep forgetting this is the last year of my life...if the Mayan's are correct, that is. Personally, I think they ran out of parchment or papyrus or whatever-in-the-world kind of paper they used.

But for the sake of argument, what if this really were the last year any of us had here on earth? Would we live differently? Love differently?

Write differently?

If so...then how?

I'm thinking theme. Message. Take away value. Plant deep the seeds of Biblical truth so that readers very souls are affected. Not that I'm advocating sermonizing and whapping people upside the head with the Bible, but it worth a reader's time to ingest pap?

When I do finally park my behind in a chair and get back to my WIP, I'm going to keep this in mind.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Fluff Defined

