Fear Factor 2

DAY 28

Word Count: 17,706

Sentence of the Day: The voice behind crawled up her spine and settled at the base of her neck, raising the finest of hairs.


You're not. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23. It's only by Christ's work on the cross that any of us are 'good enough' in God's eyes.

Now that we've got that out of the way...wait a minute. Have we really?

Seems to me grasping the essence of the gospel is the only way to combat this fear, whether in reference to writing, relationships, or pretty much anything.

If God is indeed sovereign (and if that's up for grabs in your mind, check this out first: Is God's Sovereignty Limited?), your 'good enoughness' is really kind of a moot point. Seriously, does the world revolve around you or God?

So what to do when those creeping lizards of self-doubt skitter up one side of you and scuttle down the other? Whenever this kind of fear raises its ugly head, it's time to stop and take a reality check. Pull your eyeballs off yourself and refocus on God. Dig into the Bible. And remember...

If God is able to make you 'good enough' (and He is...it's already a done deal), then He's certainly able to get you published.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


Fear Factor 3


Fear Factor 1