Best vs Most

DAY 33

Word Count: 21,750

Sentence of the Day: Men's voices spilled out an open drawing room door, one in particular lilting with a poorly concealed Midland drawl.

If you buy the assumption that more noise is not better noise, then is more writing not better writing?


Frequently I'm in awe of my writer buddies that slug out thousands of words a day on a consistent basis. Am I envious? You bet. I'm so green you could stick my feet in a pot of dirt and call me a Ficus. So this post may be my pathetic way of justifying my lack of producing gobs of copy at one sitting.

Or maybe I have a point.

No, I'm not dissing authors who are gifted enough to publish several books a year. The bottom line is where is your heart when writing? Think about it. Is your goal to pump out a jaw-dropping amount of words or to convey truths that will transform reader's lives?

Harper Lee wrote only 1 book. One. Yet that book remains a crazy bestseller and 50 years later still touches people's lives with a powerful message.

My point? Write your best, not your most. And if you're one of those amazing freaks of nature that can do both with stunning finesse, please excuse the drool leaking out the corner of my mouth as I shake your hand.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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