A Title By Any Other Name

DAY 10

Word Count: 4655

Sentence of the Day: The door opened to a flint-faced housekeeper that he might've served next to in the sixth regiment of the black dragoons.

I didn't write one word over the weekend--one word on a manuscript, that is. I did, however, brainstorm titles. According to my agent extraordinaire, titles are apparently very important things, even working titles that will likely get changed. Whoda thunk?

Too bad I stink at titles as much as I do at writing a synopsis. So what's a girl to do?

Email some writing buddies and noodle over titles together, for both my already finished manuscript (the opium addict/mad brother piece I'd tentatively titled Fallacy) and for my new Bow Street Runners trilogy, I came up with a list for each. Feel free to vote on your favorites.

For the Bow Street Runners Trilogy:

Book 1: Brentwood's Charge
Book 2: Moore's Maiden
Book 3: Thatcher's Lady

Book 1: Unwilling Heart
Book 2: Undercover Heart
Book 3: Unbridled Heart

Book 1: The Guardian's Runaway
Book 2: The Lawman's lady
Book 3: The Captain's Charge

For the finished historical about the opium addict:

A Lie Once Believed
Heart of the Deceived
A Truth Once Hidden
Of Saints and Sanity
A Truth Denied
Fallacy of the Heart
A Heart Once Deceived
Saints and Sinners

A huge thank you to MaryLu, Ane and Lisa for sharing their precious brain cells with me.

Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.


Don't Worry Louie


Sewer Scrutiny