Acquiring a Taste for Elephant

DAY 13

Word Count: 7494

Sentence of the Day: The woman was deadly--on more levels than he'd care to descend.

It always amazes me that writer buddies of mine can slap out thousands of words at a sitting. Not me. 1k feels like a victory. Still, even at 500 measly words a day, a feat even my creative writing students could undertake, an entire novel could be written in 5 months.

5 months!

Perseverance, then, is key. Which means the ol' maxim of eating an elephant a spoonful at a time proves true. Hmm...

Wonder if that tastes like chicken?
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

Keeping Secrets


Cats On Parade