Plot Whispering


Word Count: 0

Sentence of the Day:

Yeah, still at a big fat zero, and probably will be for at least another week or possibly two. Coming up with story ideas isn't that hard. It's the ironing out of details that wrinkles my brain. So my goal by the end of this week is to have 2 separate trilogies mapped out (already had a start on one of them from a year ago). We'll see if that happens.

To spur me on, however, I read a book over the weekend. The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master by Martha Alderson. A few takeaways:

- A story is about a character transforming her weaknesses into strengths.

- Writing is a process. Get the words down. Later you can go back and be brilliant.

- The beginning of any entertaining and well-crafted story foreshadows where the character will be at the end.

- A villain is always an antagonist, but not all antagonists are villains.

Good fodder for thought, especially when thinking out a synopsis.
Michelle Griep

Michelle Griep is an author, blogger, and occasional super-hero when her cape is clean.

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