Michelle Griep

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The Care and Feeding of an Author

It's a rough and tumble world out there. Authors get beat up all the time. Rejection from editors and agents. Scathing reviews. Paper cuts. Yeah. Wicked awful.

So if you have a favorite author, there are some things you can do to encourage that writer to keep on writing. Here are some ideas . . .

One of my readers made some memes with quotes from my latest release and she's posting them on Facebook (shout out to Susan Gibson Snodgrass).

Drop your author a personal note. Doesn't have to be long. Just a simple "Hey, love your writing. Thanks for making the world a better place."

Tweet a shout-out about the author and one of their books, don't forget to include a link to Amazon.

Here's a thought... pen a hand-written note of encouragement. You'll have to ask the author for his or her address, but more often than not they'll give it to you.

Pray for that author.

Buy the author's books and give them away as gifts.

Write and post reviews.

Those are just a few ideas. Feel free to share some of yours in the comment section.