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Internet Addiction

So when you sit down at your computer, what's the first thing you do? Check the weather? Facebook? Fiddle around with your iPod?

My default is e-mail. That's where all my updates and digests are sent. If I'm not careful, I'll spend the first hours of my day reading other's blogs or seeing what the latest buzz words are on the loops I belong to.

Technology is great, but it's also a time waster.

Stop and think about it for a moment. Morning is a valuable asset. Your brain is fresh from a long night's sleep. Not a whole lot of daily-grind clutter is clogging the gears of creativity. Your thoughts are yet undefiled by the opinions of others on multiple issues.

What if instead of turning on the internet first thing, you gave your initial attention to your work-in-progress?

I admit it. I'm talking as much to myself as to you. It takes a conscious choice to break a bad habit. Tonight before you go to bed, put a sticky note on your computer screen to remind yourself of that choice.

Honestly, the world isn't going to crash if I don't check my e-mail right off the bat. And if it does, I suspect I'll figure that out without having to check on Drudge.