The Great Elixer
DAY 37
Word Count: 23,632
Sentence of the Day: Wren's smile would shame the sun, and mayhap did, for along with it the hint of dawn began to bleach the sky from pitch to ash grey.
Humility. Pride. Two sides of the same coin...and every writer's got a pocketful of that change.
I got an interesting e-mail the other day from a writer student of mine. I'd been mentoring her on her first attempt at a novel this summer. When she first wrote it, her buttons practically popped and she was pretty sure this would be NY Times Bestseller material. Naturally I was proud of her as well, for that's quite an accomplishment for a fourteen-year-old.
Fast forward to a few days ago. She'd set the piece aside for a few months and recently went back to it. You guessed it. Humble Pie. Time gave her the insight to see the verbose and insignificant fluff in the piece.
Why is that so hard to see in our own work the first go around?!