Fear Factor 1
DAY 27
Word Count: 17,041
Sentence of the Day: A dull ache loitered at the edge of her hairline--though no more painful than the aftereffects of one of her father's lectures.
First off, your writing is NEVER going to be good enough for some people because writing is subjective (definition: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes or opinions).
Even if you produced the most brilliant piece ever penned, there would still be a critic to shoot it down. Case in point: The Bible. How many negative hits does God's word take?
Secondly, make sure your writing is good before you shop it around. Use the myriad writing resources out there before you expose your baby to the cruel world. There's a ton of books about writing (believe me...I've read a boatload of them).
My top 3 favorites are:
And don't forget to seek out and apply critiques from other writers. You can always learn something from your peers...even if it's how to gracefully take criticism.
Keep slugging away. Eventually your writing will achieve saleability. Just keep in mind that the timeframe is different for everyone.