Michelle Griep

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10 Fun Reading Facts

Do you know all ten of these random reading facts?

1.     Books used to be shelved with the spine facing the back of the shelf, completely backwards from how books are shelved today.

2.     The average time people spend reading around the world is 6 ½ hours per week.

3.     ¾ of students who are poor readers in 3rd grade consistently test out as poor readers in high school (Yale University study).

4.     It takes an author an average of 475 hours to complete a novel. It takes me longer—doggone that Facebook!

5.     A bookstore browser generally uses 8 seconds to glance at a front cover and 15 seconds to read the back.

6.     Of all the books sold today, on average, roughly half are sold to readers over age 45.

7.     Readers are awesome people, as evidenced by adults who read on a regular basis are more than 2 ½ times likely to serve as volunteers or do charity work.

8.     68% of all books sold are bought by women.

9.     Page 18 is the page that most readers will lose interest in a book.

10.   The first manuscript ever completed on a typewriter was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.